Monday, August 8, 2011

Three Misconceptions About Heartworms

MYTH 1: Indoor dogs are not at risk.   

TRUTH: Heartworms are spread by mosquitoes. One mosquito bite is all it takes for a dog to be infected. All dogs are at risk. 

MYTH 2: Only dogs in heartworm epidemic areas like southeastern states need protection against heartworms. 

TRUTH: Heartworm disease has been reported in all 50 states. One million dogs are estimated to be heartworm positive in the United States each year.1 The disease continues to spread to new regions. The best way to protect your dog is to administer a heartworm preventive year-round as directed by your veterinarian.   

MYTH 3: Treatment for heartworm disease is just as easy as preventing it.  

TRUTH: Treatment requires arsenic-based injections to kill the heartworms living in a dog's lungs and heart. In comparison to heartworm prevention, the treatment is expensive (up to $1,000) and can be traumatic and risky. It is much easier to prevent heartworms than to treat them.

1 Vital statistics for your veterinary practice. In: Landeck E, ed. The Veterinary Fee Reference 6th ed., Lakewood, CO: AAHA Press, 2009;57, 200, 213, 226, 259, 333.
2Market Dynamics: Share report monthly canine heartworm preventives, vet-dispensed treatment; Data on file at Merial.
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